I had the good fortune to finally go to Fallcore this year (yes, it was my first Fallcore ever). My fortunes turned a bit sour with vehicle trouble while in Houston. But I still prevailed and even got around to taking a few photos of Band Of Mercy and Will To Live while I was there. Here they are:
Got some shots of a few bands that played an interesting house show last night in Austin. LOSING GRIP played an impromtu "last" show at this show. They only managed to play one full song before the show was shut down because of a noise warning. Be sure to check out Aspire on their tour with A Better Hope Foundation over the next couple of weeks. Good Texas HC dudes.
Here are some pics of TRUTH from Ft. Worth playing at The Vista Lounge in Tyler, TX (my old home town). This was just one band of about 20 or so that played that day. TRUTH are a youth crew style band and they cover "Nailed To The X." This is not a bad thing.
It's been a long time since I last saw Garuda play live... about 7 years to be exact. Garuda came down to Austin for a FREE WEEK show at Red 7. They did not disappoint and I managed to snap a few shots of them. Good to see the guys again. Check out the photos here: Garuda