Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bottle Service @ Beerland

Oh, what Carnage!?! More than just tamborines were killed at this show. Here are the pics.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Matsuri/Moldar/For Want Of/Oriana Raeo

A couple of cool bands from California graced our presence in Austin, Matsuri (from the Bay Area) and Moldar (from LA). For Want Of and Oriana Raeo got things started.

For Want Of
Oriana Raeo

Trifle Tower/Dark Forces/For Want Of/Chest Pain

Texas is hot these days. It's still close to 100 degrees at 9:00 PM. I just thought you should know.

On to the good stuff... the brave bands that refuse to give in to the heat and play shows in hot Pizza joints. Check out these photos of people sweating.

Trifle Tower
Dark Forces
For Want Of
Chest Pain